Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

It's our favorite time of the year :) Football season!! Alex was able to be on the sidelines of Andrews game!!! Boys are enjoying the season, even though Andrew has had a broken arm since July :( Faith is enjoying cheerleading as well!!



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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fame cast!!! great group

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Well I was able to find Faith a sewing machine that she loves, she made her first purse yesterday, very cute!! Faith also had her first Lax game on Saturday!! Alex had his first scrimmage for baseball today, we got the phone call at 11 saying the game was at 2, so poor kid didnt have his cleats needs to get on the ball!!!It was a lucky day, Andrew was one of the umpires in training today!!! yeah!! so i was able to capture him umping behind the plate as Alex was up to bat!! Andrew has only had one scrimmage, games will start soon. The play Fame went off great!! the entire cast did a great job, very proud!!

Baseball FINALLY!!!!!
