Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Today Faith had her first Field trip on a school bus, she had fun! Their was a problem in the morning due to miss info about each child needing a carseat, so Faith was not able to ride the big yellow bus, instead she got to ride on the special small yellow bus, however she was still very happy;) Faith got to see so many animals on the farm, her favorite was feeding the chickens, and walking down the middle isle of the cow stalls dodging bombs! (for those that dont know, that would be cows poopping), that was very funny to many and very scary to some. We also got to go for a tractor hay ride. and to end the day she got to sit in the tractor for a picture.
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cubshack said...

How cute! How cute! How cute!

Tyler 2nd RS said...

FAith is totally cute! How fun to get to go to a farm! David would love that! It is nice to keep up with you on your blog. I almost feel like we kind of know you guys now!